In cats, the canine and incisor teeth are frequently fractured from trauma. What is periodontal disease (cat gum disease)? Kittens actually … The most severe effects that dental problems cause for your furry friend are infections of both the teeth and gums. Symptoms of problems with cat teeth include: Bad breath; Yellow or brown deposits on the teeth at the edges of the gums; Reddened gum edges; Receding gums, revealing exposed tooth roots It causes changes that are associated with the inflammation and loss of the deep supporting structures of the cat’s teeth. Cats have only a few ways to show us that their ears are bothering them. I discovered she only has 3 fangs for teeth. Sometimes, a cat may not show any symptoms at all, so routine checkups are key to early diagnosis and treatment. “The cat is not a normal host for heartworm,” says Beaver. I took her to the vet. While this process is taking place, they will experience discomfort and unpleasant things, like loose teeth, sore gums or even pain. Contact your vet as soon as you notice a problem with your cat’s mouth. Long story short, the bile duct can act as a super-highway for bacteria to pass in the wrong direction from the gut up into the liver, setting up infection. Periodontal Disease. Cat Teething Symptoms. Tartar damages teeth causes gingivitis (painful, inflamed gums), and is full of bacteria that can enter the blood and cause problems such as kidney disease and heart disease. Signs of mouth pain in cats. It causes changes that are associated with the inflammation and loss of the deep supporting structures of the cat’s teeth. Tooth resorption usually starts at the gum line and can look like gum tissue is growing over or into the tooth. Senior cats are very susceptible to broken teeth, especially the sharp canine teeth. Photography ©NiseriN | iStock / Getty Images Plus. Tooth brushing, tooth gels and special diets can help keep your cat’s mouth healthy. Any ideas? By the time a cat shows unmistakable signs of mouth pain, such as drooling or teeth chattering, dental problems usually are well advanced. While you may not notice they are suffering from dental issues, a check-up with the vet may reveal something surprising. Cat teeth are uniquely different from dogs; none of the teeth of cats have grinding surfaces. Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. Cancers can occur in the gums, lips, tongue, jawbone or palate. To treat your cat’s dental problems, gently brush its teeth once a day with a cat toothbrush and toothpaste to get rid of bacteria and debris. But take heart. Written by vets and vet nurses. Full oral examination under general anesthetic with intraoral radiographs (X-rays) to detect hidden disease is required beginning very early in your cat’s life. After the tartar has been removed, the vet may discover that some teeth need to be removed because of resorptive lesions (cavities) or weakening of the bone structure holding the tooth in its socket. Founded in 1917 by animal welfare pioneer, Maria Dickin CBE, PDSA is the UK’s leading veterinary charity. Teeth grinding in cats are a typical symptom of dehydration or acidity. Feb 20th 2018. It is important to help your pet maintain healthy cat teeth. She is now 4 years old. Extracting all or most of the teeth is not as bad as it sounds. If your cat approaches the food bowl and acts like she’s hungry, but then seems reluctant to eat, her mouth is probably bothering her. The bacteria living in the plaque and tartar travel below the gum line, resulting in inflammation and infection of the gums and the tooth roots. Common Ear Problems in Cats.  |  Although a cat’s teeth misalignment can be temporary and can correct itself over time (as the baby teeth fall out) in less severe cases, it is important to diagnose it and treat it as soon as possible because it can also develop to a permanent problem and can affect various functions and overall health. Your email address will not be published. If your cat has heavy tartar or gingivitis, take it to the vet for treatment, which might include tooth extractions, dental descaling, and antibiotics. Other signs of dental problems in your cat are discolored, red, or swollen gums, ulcers on the gums or tongue, loose teeth, excessive drooling, or constant pawing at the mouth area. Now he’s not constipated all the time like he’s been for so long and nobody knew what the cause or what to do. Severe oral disease can result in bleeding gums, broken teeth, and a host of other painful problems. They gave me pain med for her which she only needed 1-1/2 days. 'Periodontal' is derived from ancient Greek and means 'around the tooth.' -, Let’s Talk Cat Growling — Why Does Your Cat Growl and How Should You React? The presence of infection causing pus to be exuded. Brushing Teeth. I gave her a pain med since I still had some, hoping it would take away any pain overnight. The ultimate goal of homecare is to remove plaque before it becomes calculus. JaneA Kelley Many domestic cats develop dental problems as they get older, especially if they don't get professional dental work every year. As the disease progresses the symptoms your cat may show include difficulty in eating, dribbling saliva, face rubbing, jaw chattering and weight loss. Bought baby food for her but still not eating. Infections within the abscess have the potential to develop into a systemic bacterial infection, which is … Periodontal disease is a disease of the tissues that surround and support the teeth. Cats may also paw at their mouths or shake their heads because of the pain. Always check if your insurance policy covers dental disease because some don't. She may need to get that fang out. She came right back to her normal self. No NSAID is approved for prolonged use in cats, so this is a strictly short-term measure. They can lead to bad breath, swollen and bleeding gums, loose teeth, and oral pain, and difficulty eating. More obvious signs of oral health issues include: • reduced grooming activity, leading to poor coat condition • bad breath • drooling • discomfort when eating • pawing at the mouth • bleeding gums • reduced appetite or weight loss All these symptoms will warrant a specific trip to the vet. Because cats hide their pain, you probably won’t know your cat’s mouth is hurting until her oral disease is very severe. One of the most common symptoms is drooling very foul smelling mucus and blood from the mouth often coming from a visible tumor. Though the symptoms may vary if there are severe cat health problems or the cat is terminally ill or has been suffering from some incurable disease, the primary symptoms of cat dying are more or less the same. These cells, called odontoclasts, tend to attach to crevices and cracks in the teeth. From dental disease to high blood pressure there are any number of problems that give the appearance of liver disease; but happily remove the infected teeth or correct high blood pressure and the liver can return to normal. All rights reserved. Aging cats are susceptible to dental issues like gum disease and feline tooth resorption, a disease in which teeth dissolve at the roots. Some cats are actually allergic to the plaque on their teeth, and while some can be controlled with regular teeth cleanings, some do better having the teeth removed. His teeth were putting poisons into his system & probably would have killed him. Due to her age n price vet gave her an antibiotic shot. Treatment for dental disease depends on the specific problem, but may include: Dental disease can cost several hundred pounds (this can vary a lot depending on the problem). Another possible cause of grinding and gritting the teeth is dental problems. Cats can get sick all the time with many of the same ailments as pet parents. Is a Wet Cat Nose Normal — Or a Cause for Concern? I recently adopted a feral kitten. Took her to vet said she has a bad tooth n it’s infected. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The basic visual characteristics are: Swelling of the skin in the form of various sized bulges. Is there anything else I could do? Do Cats get Tooth Decay? Most cats have some degree of periodontal disease by the time they are two or three years of age. Wat e l see can I do, I would say talk to your vet they the best to give advice. Broken teeth are often very painful, especially if the inside of the tooth (that contains nerves) is exposed. Treatment of teeth misalignment in cats – What to do when my cat has malocclusion? The progression of gum disease from plaque to tartar. When extractions are delayed, the response to surgery is not good. Most cats continue to eat even when they are in pain,so it's important to keep an eye out for signs of dental problems and have their mouth checked by your vet at least once per year. Contact your vet for an urgent appointment if your cat is unable to close his/her mouth, or is in too much pain to eat. If your cat’s gums are red, that’s gingivitis, or inflammation of the gum tissue. However once a significant amount of erosion of the tooth develops and is visible, the condition will usually then result in pain. Thumbnails. Knowing the subtle signs of oral problems in cats and getting prompt care is critical to maintaining your cat’s quality and duration of life. Older cats are susceptible to such problems as arthritis, obesity, vision and hearing problems and dementia, as well as a host of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, kidney or liver disease and thyroid problems. Sink Your Teeth Into These 10 Cat Teeth Must-Knows, Let’s Talk Cat Growling — Why Does Your Cat Growl and How Should You React? Cats may keep their coats clean, but their teeth are a different story. Cats Broken Teeth. Dental (tooth and gum) disease is a very common problem in cats, especially as they get older. This advice is for UK pets only. If your cat used to enjoy having the sides of her face petted and no longer does, it may be because her mouth hurts. Perquè arrova? Periodontal (gum) disease is the number one diagnosed problem in cats; by the age of three, 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease. His liver and kidneys are good but he is 15. Aging cats are susceptible to dental issues like gum disease and feline tooth resorption, a disease in which teeth dissolve at the roots. What is periodontal disease (cat gum disease)? The Top 8 Best Cat Foods for Older Cats with Bad Teeth Problems. There are several types of cat mouth cancer which is a serious illness with a poor prognosis. Plaque bacteria can colonize the tooth surface in just 24 to 36 hours. Although cat bad breath seems relatively harmless, it is usually a symptom of more severe feline dental disease occurring in your cat's mouth. She is such a good cat and loved very much. In the case of a cat having a large number of teeth removed, you may have to alter your cat’s diet to provide foods that are easier to chew. Obvious symptoms of cat teeth problems and dental disease include: Reduced grooming activity, leading to poor condition of your cat’s coat Being able to catch the issue early on is important to preserving the life of your cat. Red gums are among the first signs of toothache in cats. If the teeth are extracted early in the disease process, the procedure generally results in significant improvement or complete resolution of the inflammation in 60% to 80% of cats. You must know the symptoms, though. Teeth with FORLs usually need removal. It is by far the most common oral condition suffered by cats. Plaque is a build-up of saliva, food and bacteria on the teeth, that in time, into a hard substance called tartar. Feline resorptive lesions (FORLs) are patches of tooth decay that develop along the gum line. If your cat’s gums are red, that’s gingivitis, or inflammation of the gum tissue. If your cat is salivating more than usual — especially if the saliva contains blood— that’s a sign of dental disease. NEW Vet Dog Breath Freshener Water Additive . We strongly recommend insuring your cat as soon as you get them so that you are covered for future problems. Brushing your cat’s teeth can go a long way toward preventing dental disease. Cats do get bad teeth but they are not usually the same as cavities in humans. By Jennifer Coates, DVM Cats have only a few ways to show us that their ears are bothering them. I am going through the exact same situation. Thumbnail: Photography ©Darunechka | iStock / Getty Images Plus. The most common symptoms of ear problems – scratching and head shaking – can be caused by many different diseases, all of which are treated differently. She hasn’t eaten since Fri nite. Arthritis. Owners are often shocked by the severity of the teeth problems their cat is hiding. So glad we had his teeth fixed. Read more about cat teeth and cat dental disease on My cat is a rescue. Stay informed! The first step in treating cat dental disease is a cleaning and scaling. I think she has been like this since we got her. Signs of Cat’s Oral Problem A cat suffering from inflammation of the gums or other terms as gingivitis can experience painful teeth or any other types of oral problems. Plaque, a thin coat of bacteria, accumulates on the teeth, then it progresses to tartar, leading to gum inflammation. Your email address will not be published. In this time of crisis, our front-line staff are working hard to ensure we're still there for the UK's most vulnerable pets. Discuss your cat’s symptoms with a professional and receive a prescription for pain relief. Bad cat breath isn’t normal — if your cat has bad breath, it may be a sign of cat dental disease. Operating through a UK-wide network of 48 Pet Hospitals, PDSA provides low cost and free veterinary care to the sick and injured pets of people in need and promotes responsible pet ownership, Registered charity nos. He’s warmed up to us and forgot he was feral. In rare cases, a cat grinds teeth due to a condition known as rubber jaw. Broken teeth: As cats grow older, their teeth become weaker. First, preventing teeth problems in your cat starts with a good dental hygiene routine. If you see yellow-brown gunk on her teeth, that’s tartar buildup. Rubber jaw is a symptom of chronic renal failure and can also be caused due to hyperthyroidism. Tooth decay from feline tooth resorption is a condition in which cellular organisms attach to the teeth. These infections not only cause pain and suffering for your kitty, but they can spread from the mouth to the heart, kidneys and joints, according to Royal Canin. This very painful condition is more common in cats over the age of five and affects between about 30-40% of healthy adult cats. These will typically be Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, or NSAIDs. Once the tartar is removed, the vet will polish your cat’s teeth to remove any microscopic scratches that could lead to decay. Pay attention to problems in your cat's mouth, such as bad breath or bleeding gums. What are the Symptoms of Liver Disease in Cats? Her teeth are bad, too. Treatment usually consists of antibiotics and tooth removal. A web search will yield a lot of information on how to clean your cat’s teeth at home. 1 of 7 « Back Next » Thinkstock. Although your cat can’t tell you if she has a toothache, there are five signs that can clue you in to the fact that her mouth may be bothering her. This is visible as a hard cream or yellow colored deposit on the tooth enamel, typically found alongside the gumline. By Melissa Schindler. This is a common problem, which often responds well to antibiotics and supportive care. If your cat’s teeth are in bad shape, that can contribute to health problems including heart and kidney disease, and decrease your cat’s quality of life. General information. Either at home or at the vet, make sure to schedule your cat in for teeth cleaning at least once or twice a year (more appointments might be necessary for stuck-on plaque). The dental problems may affect the overall health of the cat, as the bacteria from the oral cavity may travel to other parts of the body through blood and cause complications. Common Cat Dental Problems Bad breath in cats is a common cat owner complaint. If you see gingivitis or tartar buildup, or if your cat is showing the signs above but won’t let you touch her mouth, call your vet and schedule an appointment. An adult cat's set of teeth should be composed of 30 individual teeth.The powerful canines (the ones which look like fangs) stand out the most and are used to tear flesh from their obligate carnivore diet. - Cute funny cat kitten pictures videos. Cats eat well without their teeth. Hi there I am a first time cat owner and its great but I was just seeing if it’s normal for a cat to use I hard brush to rub there faces next to there mouths really hard as my Prince puss puss he does it and he also scraping his mouth across the edges of my tables I my be silly but wanting to see if anyone can help thank you from puss puss and owner April, I have a 15 year old cat. Now tonight she started acting sad again and not wanting anything. Another sign of mouth cancer is when a tooth comes out more easily than expected. Cats have a quirky problem with how the gall bladder is plumbed into the bowel and liver. If your cat is experiencing any of these symptoms, lift her lip by her molars, if she’ll let you. 208217 & SC037585 © The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, 150 years on: the story of Maria Dickin and PDSA. Get tips and exclusive deals. A broken tooth can expose the pulp inside the tooth, which contains blood vessels and nerves. Dental disease is a relatively common problem in pet cats (especially as they get older) and can be made more likely by many different factors such as: If baby teeth don't fall out, they can trap food and bacteria. This useful chart breaks down cat symptoms by area of the body, then tells you what each symptom could mean. For the most part, this means a dry cat food but cats with severe dental problems who have difficulty chewing may still require wet food. If the teeth are extracted early in the disease process, the procedure generally results in significant improvement or complete resolution of the inflammation in 60% to 80% of cats. She ate all,her supper so it was only after supper this started to happen again. You discover that the cord has been chewed in half. He’s 3months old, what can I do? The dental problems may affect the overall health of the cat, as the bacteria from the oral cavity may travel to other parts of the body through blood and cause complications. It also helps to stay ahead of the curve by giving them preventative medication like Advantage Multi for cats. Foul breath; Bright red, inflamed gums ; Swelling around the face and mouth; Rubbing of the mouth; Drooling and dribbling; Refusal to eat; Of course, the cat’s gums may also turn black. Initially cats with affected teeth may not show any symptoms at all. While different types of cancer can be found in cats, squamous cell carcinomas form most of these masses. Lack of healthy teeth and gums can lead to heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, stroke and even diabetes. Given that gingivitis leads to periodontitis, most cats with periodontitis will show signs of gingivitis (redness, swelling, bleeding along the gingiva at the base of the teeth), and may also be reluctant or unwilling to eat, drool, turn their heads to the side when chewing, and develop halitosis. In cats, the canine and incisor teeth are frequently fractured from trauma. There are a few things you can do to prevent dental disease in cats. The signs tend to be quite general, rather than specific to the liver. It is by far the most common oral condition suffered by cats. Cat dental disease is a common issue. FORLs are painful and often cause teeth to break. In this procedure, which is done under general anesthesia, the veterinarian uses instruments to remove tartar from your cat’s teeth and below her gums. In some cases, an infected, pus-filled pocket called an abscess may form under one or more of the teeth. Not only do kitties with dental problems have trouble eating and experience tremendous pain, their bad teeth can even lead to potentially fatal systemic infections. For most cats in general, the canine teeth are most likely to fracture from facial trauma while fractures of the pre-molar and molar teeth from simply chewing objects is quite rare; our felines have more sense than try and bite on something that is clearly too hard! In severe cases, gingivitis can spread to the whole mouth, we call this gingivostomatitis. The most common dental diseases affecting cats include periodontal disease, tooth resorption and stomatitis. 'Periodontal' is derived from ancient Greek and means 'around the tooth.' Your vet will examine inside your cat’s mouth, which can be tricky to do at home! But we, cat parents, are here to help. Periodontal disease in cats is one of the most common and serious cat health problems-affecting approximately 70% of cats by the time they are 3 years old. In addition to recognizing the causes of lower urinary tract problems, it’s important for cat owners to know the symptoms. In order to keep your cat’s teeth healthy and shiny, start a preventive care program consisting of brushing your cat’s teeth with toothpaste made just for cats. It seems odd that a kitten would have dental disease?? Our cat symptom checker is a great way to figure out what may be wrong with your feline friend. Left untreated, loss of support causes the teeth to become loose and eventually fall out. It’s not normal for a cat’s breath to smell fishy or rotten. If your cat seems to chew with only one side of her mouth, or if she’s dropping her food when she eats, that may mean that she’s having oral pain. According to feline veterinary specialist Dr. Arnold Plotnick, studies have shown that 90 percent of cats over 12 years of age are likely to have radiographic signs of arthritis. Many medical practitioners believe that a cat knows when it is about to die, and the behavioral changes are hard to ignore. Some cats might not show any symptoms, while others may have signs such as coughing, respiratory problems, and vomiting. WebMD provides comprehensive cat health information covering a wide variety of symptoms affecting your pet. The best cat food for dental problems in senior cats is one that provides for your cat’s nutritional needs while also helping keep his teeth clean. Teething. Symptoms of Dental Abscess in Cats If you suspect any symptoms of a pus cavity or abscess forming under your cat’s tooth, go to your vet as soon as possible. It is vital to contact your veterinarian the minute you notice any signs of gum disease so you can take your cat to the veterinarian before the problem becomes worse. I told the veterinarian that when he eats pellet, half falls out of its mouth. Cats eat well without their teeth. If you need to turn your head away when your cat breathes on you, or if your skin stinks after she licks you, that’s a good sign that your cat is having dental troubles. © 2019 Belvoir Media Group. A tooth root abscess is a pocket of pus around a tooth root that forms when bacteria get underneath the gum. Problems that affect a cat’s lower urinary system often prevent the bladder from emptying correctly or may even cause fatal blockage of the urethra, the tube connecting the bladder to the outside of the body. Its a progressive disease signified by five stages, and the most common treatment is extraction of the affected teeth and removing all remnants of the tooth structure t… Dental problems are often very painful and left without treatment, can cause problems such as kidney disease and heart disease. Gingivitis is commonly caused by plaque and tartar build up but can also be caused by conditions such as Cat flu, FIV and FeLV. However, symptoms for cats can be much different than they are for humans. Gingivitis: notice the red line above the teeth. He said she has inflammation which must of been in her gum. Once you have your cat’s daily pain under control, brush its teeth. teeth problems your cat may be hiding. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, almost 70 percent of cats start showing signs of oral disease by their third birthday. I had to take her to the vet cause suddenly she stopped eating and drinking and seemed weak. Contact your vet if you notice any problems with your cat’s mouth. First, plaque builds up on the teeth, and then it becomes tartar. Foul or sour breath, excessive licking, drooling or unable to close the mouth, loss of appetite can be observed. Contact your vet if you suspect your cat has dental disease. Cats Broken Teeth. If they lose their teeth, they have no way of eating and receiving nutrition. Q: Barbie, my 20-year-old indoor cat, sneezes and coughs as though she’s trying to clear her stuffy nose. FORLs are common and affect more than a third of pet cats at some point throughout their life. Cats are secretive by nature, and it can be difficult to tell if a cat is experiencing oral discomfort. Your cat may bite down on something hard and split a tooth, or cause part of it to break off. This means that within a few days of a professional dental prophylaxis, the teeth are already starting to accumulate the plaque bacteria that cause periodontal disease. A cat with gum disease will display the following warning signs. Gum disease can be kept at bay by regularly brushing a cat’s teeth. If your cat becomes painful or resistant to tooth brushing that they previously allowed, it may be a sign of oral pain. She still eats dry food but gets her wet food everyday for supper. Symptoms of old cat diarrhea. Extracting all or most of the teeth is not as bad as it sounds. She doesn’t wheeze, pant or have other breathing problems, and her appetite and energy are good. Here are some signs that your cat might be experiencing one of these common senior cat problems: Difficulty or reluctance to try jumping or climbing; Changes in weight; Strange lumps or bumps; Failing to use the litter box; Appetite loss Still not eating would cause her pain. Products such as dental chews or drinking water additives can also reduce tartar buildup. Chewing is just one symptom that your tiny feline is going through during the painful process of teething. Signs of oral cancer include masses in the mouth, swollen face, drooling, weight loss, sudden tooth loss or bad breath. Most cats have some degree of periodontal disease by the time they are two or three years of age. Dental problems are the most common disease that we see in cats. It turned his life around as he’s such a happy cat now. From the first tooth eruption at the age of two to three weeks, kittens go through this quite stressful struggle to have, at the end, a total of 30 permanent, adult cat teeth. Perfect loving indoor cat. If your caat does show signs they may include pawing at her mouth, head shaking, or jaw chattering. Difficulty eating (chewing on one side/preferring soft food). Periodontal disease is an infection caused by bacteria found in dental plaque. Gingivitis (inflamed gums), causes, red, painful, sensitive gums that bleed easily. The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine website says about 85 percent of cats over 6 years old have tooth decay and that tooth resorption occurs in about 50 percent of cats. Instead, cat parents need to be vigilant, keeping an eye out for any symptoms that could point to illness. Gingivostomatitis is severe a severe form of gingivitis that develops when the immune system overreacts to plaque, tartar and conditions such as Cat flu, FIV and FeLV. The nature of problems that occur in cats may be various; from cavities to periodontal disease. Symptoms of Tooth Decay in Cats I feel so bad for her. Some of the common teeth problems in cats are: Plaque: Cats do not have cavities, however, the buildup of food along the teeth and gums can cause plaque. Her bloodwork was all good. Your cat may display the following symptoms in the early or late stages of gum disease: Foul breath; Nasal discharge; Excessive drooling; Difficulty chewing; Loss of appetite; Pawing at mouth For most cats in general, the canine teeth are most likely to fracture from facial trauma while fractures of the pre-molar and molar teeth from simply chewing objects is quite rare; our felines have more sense than try and bite on something that is clearly too hard! Loose teeth; Many of these symptoms can also be signs of other medical problems in cats, so it’s important to have them examined by a veterinarian if you notice any changes in behavior. When extractions are delayed, the response to surgery is not good. Always speak to your vet if you can’t afford the treatment they have recommended because there may be another option. Very often the culprit is Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). We got her at 9 months and she had just given birth to 2 kittens. Once a tooth is damaged, infections are much more likely to develop and it’s often necessary to remove it. Your cat’s teeth, and their care are vital in terms of keeping your cat healthy and preventing disease. Without regular cleaning, plaque builds up and minerals in the saliva harden it into tartar that is very firmly attached to the teeth. Dental problems are often very painful and left without treatment, can cause problems such as kidney disease and heart disease. Cat Dental Symptoms Like humans, cats can have dental problems, such as tooth decay, losing teeth and gum disease. Cat mouth foaming, cat mouth sores, cat mouth cancer, and gum disease are the four most frequent cat mouth problems you are likely to encounter. Signs of Common Health Problems in Senior Cats. Cat teeth problems are common; unfortunately a lot of cats over the age of 3 have dental problems.The nature of problems that occur in cats may be various; from cavities to periodontal disease. First, plaque builds up on the teeth, and then it becomes tartar. Sometimes the FORLs are obvious (see picture above) but sometimes they are only evident from x-ray images. Happy cat now away any pain overnight three years of age giving them preventative medication like Advantage for. Disease is a common problem, which often responds well to antibiotics and supportive care but he 15. Are common ; unfortunately a lot of cats start showing signs of dental?! Dental ( tooth and gum ) disease is a rescue being able to catch the issue on! 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