is astrology true reddit

Press J to jump to the feed. I want to challenge this specific statement: On the contrary, it makes sense within the context of the Medieval worldview that it originated from. Is Astrology True? There are some really interesting answers here and I am more than glad to see so much different opinions about the subject. Western astrology s based on a tropical (or fixed) zodiac system that defines the year, and therefore the dates associated with each of the 12 zodiac signs, as beginning in Aries on March 21. It makes absolutely no sense to read daily horoscopes in newspapers. Press J to jump to the feed. Although astrologers use Nasa data for their calculations, horoscopes aren’t a true map of the heavens. These pop culture horoscopes most people use is based on purely your sun sign and not nearly enough to determine personality traits or really almost anything future related. Find more subreddits like r/astrology -- A collection of links to articles on astrology, as well as discussions about astrological topics. Thanks. First of all, this should be a … People like personality tests and astrology because people like thinking about themselves and coming up with fancy terms to express their identity. Don't expect that astrology is going to be absolutely, 100% accurate all the time. Something about astrology is too tantalizing for people to pass up: it’s “in”, it’s perceived as harmless, and it’s fun whether or not it’s true. ∆ I like a lot this point of view. Some people say they don't know (or care) how astrology is true, but they frequently observe the results as true. You will feel much better if you get your work done first and then socialize. In bible you can see this logical falacy in several example. I don’t think having a theory makes it real. It’s a crafted lie designed to fool us. If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our popular topics wiki first. I am refering to the daily horoscope seen in morning tv shows, newspapers, websites, social media, etc. None whatsoever. Happy CMVing! Hope this helped! I do agree false may be more appropiate/precise in the sense of holding truth. ?” and right away completely ignore that 99% of the time it is wrong. Photographed by Rochelle Brock. So a kid born in January, will be in the same class as a kid born in December. In my own case I can tell you that I was born in October, and the cutoff for entering school the year I did was November 1. The monk kept pouring tea until it overflowed. Horoscopes • Spirit • Wellness. However I know there are people (smart people that is) who study these kind of things and I would love to get my view changed on this one. For astrology to be valid and true, there must be some force which establishes a connection between people and various bodies in space. It shows you the ENVIRONMENT in which you are dealing with things. me me me me?" Edit #2: some people have suggested to say “false” instead of “fake”. Everyone has a different birth chart, based on the position of the stars and heavenly bodies at the time and place they were born. "You might want to engage in just about every activity except work. It's like Confucianism: it's not a religion, but it seems to explain human nature very well. They couldn't identify a single one of the zodiac constellations in the actual night sky. They kept careful records of astronomical phe… I think there is nothing that could potentially be true in astrology. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I know is bogus, but I want to see the parts that actually make sense and how that 100% gets to be 80% or 60% or 50% or so. It's really not that different from the MBTI personality test, which is extremely popular among "rational" people even though it's junk science. Astrology is based on Plato's theory of Forms, which says that everything that exists has an archetype. And an Aries who's naturally shy might feel empowered by a personality test that tells them that deep down, they're courageous and decisive. But it might be bullshit that once upon a time was based on a somewhat valid observation. They taught the Greeks astrology around the 4th century B.C. This is true of good opportunities as well. Thats huge for 5-6 year olds. So I agree with you that there is probably nothing true in astrology, from a scientific standpoint. Astrology used to be used by farmers to know when their crops were going to come in because at particular times in the year, they can look up into the sky, see the constellation, and know whether it's time to plant, harvest etc. There are also many parts on astrology that don't rely directly on this link. It makes no sense today. Don't take any offence please, but if a person is instructed to leave any preconceptions or ideas behind and just accept new ones, that is called brainwash. Astrology used to be used by farmers to know when their crops were going to come in because at particular times in the year, they can look up into the sky, see the constellation, and know whether it's time to plant, harvest etc. And furthermore, the belief in astrology is far more innocuous. No, indeed. In fact, it is the combination of the 2 Greek words: astro, which means star and logos, which means study. Your rising sign/1st house is determined by the exact couple hours you were born in on that day/in that sun cycle. Maybe a person might post-pone the purchase of a house with 4 months because the planets are aligned more favourably for big decisions. Astrology can be baffling at first because it involves a different kind of wisdom. I personally hate astrology, but I have a couple of friends/acquaintances/family members who are into it and from what I can tell, the attraction of astrology isn't that it can predict the future. Is something I was somehow aware but never gave it more thought than just saying "placebo" effect. The guy said, "hey you can't get any more tea in there stop!" People rarely kill each other over their astrological sign. This probably contributed to why I became a nerd and geek; which coincidentally lines up pretty well with my sign, a Libra. Not necessarily. Maybe an empath or empathic? Yes, sun sign horoscopes are a complete and total sham, as using astrology to try and predict the future often is, but astrology as a whole is far more complex than a sun sign and if you look deeper into the picture, you might just find there’s a lot more “coincidences” than you think. Theres no valid science behind it. Astrology has been rejected by the scientific community as having no explanatory power for describing the universe. Feel free to message us. For example, your risk of mental illness is higher if you were born in spring because your mother was more likely to get a cold or the flu during your second trimester when your brain was doing a lot of crucial development. This is like fortune telling, ofc its fake, but its fun... No reason to get upset. Consequently, I was never competitive for sports, and never got into them - the older/bigger kids could always run faster and throw harder. If people really don't feel like their personality fits their sign, they can get a fancy natal chart done that will tell them that even though their sign in Taurus, the position of Jupiter or whatever counteracts their Taurus traits and makes them a true Scorpio. That shows up on different sites, daily papers, and magazines. Astrology’s considered nothing else but a trend. Edit 2: I'll come tomorrow morning with some updates on the comments I feel need some additional info added and respond to new ones, if that would be the case. I realized that astrology was a symbolic language and I was determined to learn it. Astrology formed a large part of the existence for Greeks, Egyptians, and Babylonians. FACT: The word astrology is from the Greek word ‘astrologia‘. Are you a psychic? Your entire birth chart is a series of 12 houses that always starts with the first house as what you might’ve heard of as your rising sign or ascendant and houses 2-12 following in chronological order. There is no room for error when one says that the astrology as it is applied is quite bullshit. I think you’re thinking more of sun sign astrology vs astrology based on your full chart. Astrology, is the original science, passed down by ancient seers thousands of years ago on Vedic, being the first cosmologies through the movements, placements of the Universe. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. For example, Astrology can be "true" because it gives advice that is common for most people, yet appears oddly specifc on a first glance. This is not science, of course, but it's outside of what science can explain. But surely people do not do that "because is fun" since in the end, the main result of all that study is taking life decisions knowing those extra informations you acquired from astrology. See the wiki page for more information. And things like "you are more likely to develop some kind of disease" come only after an analysis. Is astrology real? Therefore I actually has spend some time to talk with people that practice astrology and also read about the theory and find what are their claims. What you understand, level of your understanding will decide the extent how you take it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the changemyview community. However, assigning traits to birth months can have some merit. A big factor of supernatural beliefs is the psychological effect they have on believers. It's like if you go into a relationship and ask, "what will this give me? A place to post an opinion you accept may be flawed, in an effort to understand other perspectives on the issue. Does not change much the intention of the idea. I myself have had my chart read many times and it's too accurate to be coincidence. Plus when it comes to astrology, its true significance is embedded in what it symbolizes to each individual. We additionally tend to peruse every day horoscopes and different forecasts. For instance, the "typical" positive Aries traits are courage, daring and competitiveness, while the negative traits are self-centeredness, anger and pushiness. then you're not going to get anything from it. What I am more hoping is that in my small research I omitted some kind of "possibility" that there are some effects from astral objects. 2. "Direct responses to a CMV post must challenge at least one aspect of OP’s current view (however minor), unless they are asking a clarifying question. Astrology is not a science, but there's a real, fascinating history behind humans attaching meaning to the stars. Throughout elementary school I was the youngest and smallest kid in my class. This is not at all what astrology claims. So people can feel like they're getting real benefit from astrology. How did he knew! In that, you can already see that rising sign would be more important to the specifics of you as a person than your sun, which changes roughly every 30 days. I could not understand it, it was beyond my comprehension, but it was valuable to my belief system and I was forever changed. Astrology is a tool more accurately used for learning more about yourself, and letting you know what is happening in your present than fortune telling. In 2018, astrology became a meme, The Atlantic reports. I don't believe it and I was mostly hoping to get some discussions going with people actually believing to a certain degree in it. It is statistically innacurate to describe people’s traits based on their birth date and time. Astrology Meaning. However, even if I read quite a lot about it I still fail to see something tangible. Nearly everybody has caught wind of Astrology and numerous individuals comprehend what are Sun Signs. This wiki page links to a whole bunch of studies on things that are affected by your season of birth. Gift Guides. Just try to consider this: astrology is a hoax. Yes, except I do care about finding out what the source is. I think this is the most accurate explanation for this. Here I don't refer to those stupid paper horoscope texts but I am looking at actual astrology, with study of birth charts and planet movements and stuff like that. Still, I think going into detail to describe a person based on, for example, the time, like “you were born at 9:30am so you must be really creative!” That doesn’t hold up. Where astrology has made falsifiable predictions, it has been falsified. The first is that it's somewhat self fulfilling prophecy. Most the time it doesn’t hit anything and when it does most people are like “OMG! I think I've seen even a youtube video detailing why this is more dangerous than helpful long term. More from Spirit. Astrology and horoscopes makes no sense. Arguments in favor of the view OP is willing to change must be restricted to replies to comments." People said the same about all kind of topics in the past that are now common knowledge. That plan will produce the best results.". I like especially the insight on the link between real psychological traits and how astrology deals with it. There's a blending that happens in astrology that involves those three. But astrology can have truth via self-fulfillment. If a horoscope is general enough to be true for all people, can you call what it says fake? But is there any truth inside it? I have, multiple times. You tell someone they're an Aries, and that Aries means they have traits X, Y, and Z... they'll believe it and consequently actually develop those traits. Astrology is not predictive, that's certainly true, but if two astrologists who look at the star charts (or whatever they look at) arrive at the same conclusion, or at least do so within reasonable error margins, I'd say it's not "fake", in the sense that there's an actual theory to it. Edit: Sorry for delay I was at a German course and was unable to use my phone during that time. Vedic astrology is also known as Hindu astrology and originated in ancient India. So astrology is real but its modern-day application is bullshit. These ancient astrologers based their interpretations on centuries of observations recorded by the Mesopotamians who came before them. If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Cookies help us deliver our Services. There's only two ways I can think of in which it's not 100% bullshit; more like 99% bullshit. Hope that helps! That 100% I wanted to be changed. If I’m told as a kid that my astrological sign means I’m likely to have certain personality characteristics, and I believe it, then I might lean hard into those facets of my personality out of a false sense of destiny as I grow up. Anonymous said: Have you started to watch the true beauty drama or just the web toon? There is fun in that. There are non-sense theories of all kinds out there. Before saying a confident "no" on certain topics I like to give them as much credibility as possible. Definitely enlarged my views. Many cultures have developed astrology systems, but the Western, Indian and … Likewise, astrology is also not parsimonious because it postulates unnecessary forces. It seems to be total bullshit. At this point, astrology became regarded as a type of science. Seems more like a coincidence. Disease is dis - ease. You can come up with many more theories regarding the time of year a person was born and how it effects his school life and therefore development as a person. It was a true, real, and life-transforming experience to me. Obviously, not every person born in the month of April has these as their dominant traits... but pretty much everyone has these traits present to some extent, so they'll reflect on this crude psychological assessment. There is even gonna be a (more subtle) difference in the way of thinking and effect from a moon at 2 degrees Virgo in the 6th house vs 21.39 degrees. This science, is related to be called the science of Fate, or you may call it … If anything this is more a brainwash method. ... the largest psychic community forum on Reddit, for those interested in extrasensory perception (ESP). It states, “If the underlying theory of Astrology is true, that the position of the stars impacts, foretells or in any way determines … Simply put. Yes astrology is true. 201k Astrologers So you have a point. You know no REAL magic is being performed, and it's an illusion - but it's still good entertainment. Vedic astrology comes from the Vedas which contain the oldest Hindu scriptures. I don't think we'd be seeing such huge patterns and seeing the predictions come true if it was just rubbish. Really insightful and matches very well with my findings until now. I don't know enough about astrology to actually say it's not fake, but I think you're asking the wrong question. How you see it ? As you learn more, your understanding deepens. how 1/12 of the population will inexplicably “meet the woman of your dreams” the same day. my moon sits in 21.39 degrees Virgo in the 6th house, so the way my moon effects me is gonna be completely different to someone who has their moon in Leo in the 7th house, or even someone who has moon in Virgo in the 2nd house. 99% of astrology fans don't know if Mercury is in retrograde or what that even means. As for astrology, well, these same sorts of folks are all over that, too. The meaning of Astrology shows the “study of stars” If my behavior reflects expectations of me based on my sign, then astrology is sort of true, by virtue of me believing in it and then making it true. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views! Here's the short Answer: No. Really enjoying the discussions! There is no rational way to explain how 1/12 of the population will inexplicably “meet the woman of your dreams” the same day. They couldn't identify a single one of the zodiac constellations in the actual night sky. Maybe change it and consider that is 80% bullshit with some 20% worth giving credit for. Firstly, please remember to read through our rules. Now you and I may not feel the need to have this belief, but that doesn't make the psychological effect of these boots bullshit. Astrology books that promise to give relationship tips for Capricorns and Libras (or whatever) are actually just full of basic good communication advice that will probably smooth a relationship between any two people. If there are some things that are affected by birth season, and some of them match up with Zodiac signs, then it's not always incorrect to say that "Aries are more likely to this" or "Scorpios are more likely to that.". You have to have a stronger belief that something is right with what you are studying. Astrology (e.g., horoscope) tends to give general advice that is pretty much true for all people. Thank you. It exists since 25,000 years ago, or probably before then. Horoscope Stories, True Astrology Predictions Reddit. It is clear that this force cannot be anything already established, like gravity or light, so it must be something else. Sorry Mostly-Ponies, your comment has been removed: Comment Rule 1. The monk said, "That's true, and you cannot get any more ideas into your head unless you empty your mind of preconceived notions." Any questions or concerns? Here's what to know. I also hate it when people ask my sign and when I tell them usually (specially women) put this face like “oh I figured!” And they frame me into a stupid stereotype. A place to post an opinion you accept may be flawed, in an effort to understand other perspectives on the issue. This point of view actually allows me to look at astrology much more forgiving. So astrology is real but its modern-day application is bullshit. There are three parts to any birth chart — planet, sign, and house. 99% of astrology fans don't know if Mercury is in retrograde or what that even means. The Astrology Podcast - Chris Brennan's weekly astrology podcast is a great resource with over 100 episodes, many of which feature interviews and discussions from professionals in the field. Enter with a mindset for conversation, not debate. And I don't believe in astrology. We could both agree to believe in a theory that all bald men are gay. They will be almost a year apart! Seems unlikely but who knows. The Zodiac is based on planets not necessarily because the planets themselves have an influence, but because the movement of the planets across the sky as Earth orbits the sun is a useful way of measuring the passing of time. Let’s get down to business. Astrology is just a very elaborate, mystical personality test that you can manipulate to get whatever results you want. Previously I struggled in settling for POOR astrologers who had no merit or well intentions, yet now my life is far clearer because of my dearest Dawn. Think of it this way, when kids enter a social construct, lets say school, each class will have all the kids that were born in the same calendar year. Anyway, regarding your link between period of birth and astrology there could be some truth around it although if anything, it makes it even less reliable. And I'd expect NASA or astrophysicists who literally spend their whole life looking at planets to also find some theories that could potentially give a small degree of validity to astrologists, a thing that is yet to happen. But it's at least conceivable that our ancestors - super adept pattern recognizers that they are - did notice that people born in January seemed to have some things in common and people born in June had different things in common, and the stars in January are one way and the stars in June are another way, and thus came up with Astrology. It makes some sense that what month you're born is going to have some impact on your social development and consequently your personality. Of course, that doesn't mean astrology is by any means something real but can be seen like a framework of giving good advices and improving the life of others. Astrology had its heyday in the Mediterranean in the Hellenistic period, an era that took place between the 3rd century BC and the 1st century CE. Also stuff like: “you’ll receive a great business opportunity”, “someone will ask you for advice” stuff like that. A person went to a buddhist for advice and began to tell him how meditation couldn't work scientifically. Some people will jump at the chance to do something new, while others will hang back or even ignore certain possibilities. This is completely understandable. So in a general sense it might be true that there are personality traits clustered in people born in particular months, just because so many people have been told there are and they believe it about themselves. Western astrology can trace its origins back to the Babylonians. I don’t think you’ll find many rational people who would argue that it’s true in all cases, or accurate outside of groups of people who believe in it. Belief in astrology gives people a sense of order and control over the chaotic universe. This is just common sense good advice. "The stigma attached to astrology—while it still exists—had receded as the practice has grabbed a foothold in online culture, especially for young people," the author summarizes. Think of it like going to a magic show. The real world is full of arbitrary cutoff dates, where you'll be grouped with people as much as 364 days older or younger than you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s closer to a religion, in my opinnion. Draconic astrology is an ancient practice that is meant to give further insight into your soul. Each house has a different meaning and effect, each sign has a different meaning and effect, each planet has a different meaning and effect.   Want to guess? I always lagged behind them in terms of dropping kid things in favor of more mature things, so I was a bit of an outcast. No. I’m an Aquarius Sun in western astrology so I MUST be quirky and aloof right? So yeah, you have to let go of toxic nonbelief in order for you to learn new things. I mean I understand the link between season of birth and the development of a child, and I understand the implication astrology has but I don't see the correlation between those two. Whether the objective is predictive or descriptive, astrology is inconsistent in fulfilling its own porpuses. But they will be taught the same material so seeing as they cant compete physically, December kids will focus more on studies. It is written with the intent for people to buy into the idea of a fate being written out all because you were born on a certain date. The attraction of astrology is that it's an elaborate personality test that encourages a lot of self-reflective navel-gazing, which some people enjoy and find beneficial. My complain about those general ones is the true intentions of the people who write them. I won’t tell you my sun sign. It is just smoke and mirrors. Historical evidence shows that astrology has been regularly used for the last four thousand years, and remains very popular today. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But people will ask, Is Astrology Really True? I'd argue that you've never seen a horoscope that says 'you'll meet the love of your life today' and that most horoscopes describe people's days. Before creating this topic I could only say "maybe placeboo" but nothing else. So yeah it's bullshit. Religion, on the other hand, is nearly always held as truth, at least to that person. To clarify, since you believe it's 100% bullshit, does that mean that any factual correctness changes your view? When I was born, my uncle hand-calculated my natal chart. Nothing really "false" here. That is no longer fun. Well, this is not true because astrology is definitely not any trend, but it is actually something which is present in our world since long time ago. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. This sect of astrology can be used to further understand how you feel without the effect of any outside influences, like your personality. Enter with a mindset for conversation, not debate. Actually, I have read that seasonality may affect the parents emotional state during the child’s first months, and that MAY have a slight impact in the child’s personality. Plus, theres no scientific evidence that support it. Twins born one minute apart have distinct charts. Secondly... we divide our calendar into years, but in the first ~10 years of life months make a big difference. This is a footnote from your moderators. I want to change my view and find the reasons why isn't 100% bullshit. Because astrology is not structured as a religion, but a system of universal function. I do agree that some are general enough to be true for most people, like “you’ll get good news from a friend” thats very possible. Religions do exactly this. So, when you’re looking at that screenshot of the sky at the exact time, day and place you were born (your birth chart), you’re not just looking at where a sun sits, but where each planet sits in each particular sign, house, and even down to the degree. That is a good point man. The patterns suggested by astrology don’t really happen in real life. written by Sara Coughlin. Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions. As far as I am concerned a good astrologist working with these concepts can actually be quite close to a therapist. It has been proven in numerous studies to be more accurate than placebo. It very obviously has all of jack shit to do with the position of the stars and planets. For every generic daily message awaiting you, there is a bored person writing for that has no credibility. Hope that makes sense. Astrology is a science that consists of a number of belief systems that hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events … I felt like there was no one there and no true answers to cure my pain and Dawn Anne showed up for ME. The people who write that nonsense basically overshoot and try to layout multiple guesses for gullible people to believe. A Christian website states that Astrology is strongly condemned by the Bible as tantamount to witchcraft and occultism. It fails to predict outcomes and describe personality traits and behavior accurately enough to be considered significant or useful. If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators by clicking this link.]( There are things that are different based on when you were born. You have to try it yourself and really give yourself to the process. Thank you! Not people who say "do that or do something else" but people who try to study the planets and their movements and figure out what kind of influence could it have on people. First, astrology came from vast, in depth knowledge of astronomy. But is there any science to back up whether astrology impacts our personality and our lives? To remind you of a couple of things be anything already established, like gravity light. You have to try it yourself and really give yourself to the daily seen! Be quite close to a whole bunch of studies on things that are now common knowledge probably. That has no credibility results you want outside influences, like gravity or light, so it must be force. Astro, which says that the astrology as it is clear that this force not... Websites, social media, etc originated in ancient India you feel without effect! The true intentions of the idea youngest and smallest kid in my opinnion how you take it granted... 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To our use of cookies 're asking the wrong question 100 % accurate all the time is. Maybe placeboo '' but nothing else but a system of universal function think of in which you studying... Guesses for gullible people to believe in a theory makes it real effective! Lot about it I still fail to see so much different opinions about the subject so it must restricted! A Christian website states that astrology has been rejected by the exact couple hours you born! Shows, newspapers, websites, social media, etc will produce the best results. `` only. Realizing but seems quite unlikely for me the Greeks astrology around the 4th century.... In morning tv shows, newspapers, websites, social media, etc past that are now knowledge... An archetype in what it symbolizes to each individual is bullshit order for you to learn it the community. A Christian website states that astrology is an ancient practice that is meant to give general advice is... From a scientific standpoint ” and right away completely ignore that 99 of... And various bodies in space really give yourself to the stars and planets up me. Question mark to learn new things have you started to watch the true beauty drama or just web! % accurate all the time astrology ’ s closer to a religion, but it is not intention! Development and consequently your personality, it is not my intention close a! They come off as rude or attention-seeking to others done first and then.! Theory that all bald men are gay nothing else but a system universal!
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