dream interpretation in ancient civilizations

It was treated as a science by philosophers and physicians. The dream meaning of parrots can be a sign of good or bad. The Bible is not the only ancient literary source that records the interpretation of dreams. "12, From Egypt we possess a very early dreambook in the form of a, hieratic papyrus, a copy made in the Nineteenth Dynasty (about 13OO, B.C. Prophet Daniel's interpretation of the dream Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon had. Black Elk, the Lakota Sioux, holy man, said that a vision was worth little until it was shared, with the people. Egyptians were among the early civilizations to attempt interpretation of their dreams. The civilization that existed there around 5,000 BC left behind what is believed to be the world’s first book of dreams — a compilation of dream symbols and their meanings. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. This dissertation is innovative in the following points: although its scientific goal is specifically determined, it is able to be a sufficient ally in the attempt of a meeting and a deep penetration as far as many specific and important meanings of historical innations are concerned, giving an innovative, integrated and multiple-level standpoint for its consideration. The Arabs spread the use of fountains and complicate techniques The obligation to share dreams with a dream expert may relate to a belief that the dream expert is needed to discern the nature, origin and accuracy of the dream message; or to translate or interpret the symbolic nature of the dream content which is beyond the ken of the lay dreamer (C. Hill, 1996; ... L'interpretazione dei sogni era una prassi comune utilizzata anche nelle civiltà antiche, molto prima che la psicoanalisi fosse stata inventata. Come on; let me be united, to you. seeing a serpent... good; it means food.... eating notched sycamore figs, BAD; it means pangs [stomach pains]. We do know that many ancient civilizations placed great importance on the situations encountered in their dreams, and used those situations to cast light on their waking lives. In the Papyrus, all dreams were listed as good or bad and the bad dreams were written in red as it was the colour of the bad omen. all were kindly. Dreams have walked hand in hand with the progress of mankind. Philo, the Jewish philosopher of Alexandria, wrote five books on dreams, of, which two survive. temple in dream, temple dream meaning, dreams of visiting the temple, Seeing the temple in the dream, Seeing worship in the temple in the dream, Seeing people taking offerings at the temple in a dream, temple in a dream, temple in your dream, temples, inspiration in the dream, temple meaning, temple interpretation As for territory, Egypt and Asia seem to have been more colonisable projects for the Greeks. charge of collections of papyri containing knowledge about omens, dream images, and the gods who had particular ability to interpret, dreams and send good ones. Identification of the Historical Trends and of the Contemporary Perspectives, Sex dreams: Gender, erotophilia, and sociosexuality as predictors of content, valence, and frequency, Introduction: Dreams, Culture, Politics of Memory, and Power in Education, Messenger Dreams: Unfolding the Self for Development, Aristotle's Theory of ‘Sleep and Dreams’ in the Light of Modern and Contemporary Experimental Research, Durham E-Theses PETER'S HALAKHIC NIGHTMARE: THE 'ANIMAL' VISION OF ACTS 10:9-16 IN JEWISH AND GRAECO-ROMAN PERSPECTIVE, Healing cults in antiquity: the dream cures of Asclepius of Epidaurus, Corruption, Transparency, and E-Government. It became a motif in literature. dying violently, good; it means living after his father dies. It was treated as a science by philosophers and physicians. Although there has been no conclusive progress to the study of dreams till date; interpretations and ways to interpret dreams have been found from a time period starting from ancient civilizations. language and spelling have been modernized and modified. As in the Assyrian tablets, the book contains, rituals to avert the consequences of bad dreams, such as rubbing the, face with bread and herbs dipped in beer and myrrh, along with. It is surprising that ancient dolmens can be found in Spain, Germany, France, but also in Jordan, Korea and India. Ancient methods of dream incubation: Bodily methods of inducing spiritual presence. Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. This School of Thought, has already come to existence and been widely formed as an independent professional activity with the Ancient Greek Philosophy being its starting point and long-term goal to be made worth or useful in the fields or vital issues which seem to surpass, or to be incompatible with what would be managed by a traditional psychotherapeutic approach. Greece has played many roles in Europe's story. He had it while taking his, noon nap in the shadow of the Great Sphinx, which spoke to him in the, dream: "Behold me, look at me, my son Thutmose. ", If he directs his urine towards the sky: the son of this man whom he, will (thereafter) beget will become important (but) his (own) days, If he pours his [urine] into a river: his harvest will be, If he drinks the urine of his wife: this man will enjoy (lit. literature, the successful dream interpreters are always women. to be used against bad dreams: "If a man had a wrong dream he must, in order that its evil (consequences) may not affect him, say to, himself (in the morning) before he sets his foot upon the floor: 'The, dream I have had is good, good, verily good before Sin and Shamash! In a pious dream, a god appeared to demand or request the performance of an act of devotion. rather often. In such temples the patient would ritually have to cleanse themselves by washing, and abstain from sex, alcohol and even food. Tags: ancient civilizations, dream history, dream interpretation, dreamer, dreaming, dreams, history, sleep. Additionally, oneiromancy seems to have been practiced in real life as well, as evidenced by a compendium of texts known as the Iškar Zaqīqu (translated as ‘core text of the god Zaqīqu’), or more commonly known as the Assyrian Dream Book . Dreams about monkeys can represent the following symbolic meanings: The Chinese Zodiac and The Year of the Monkey. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Alterations in dream content that are unique to underlying sleep and psychiatric disorders have been observed. Gudea of, Lagash (c, 212O B.C.) Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 11. could transfer the consequences of an evil dream to a lump of clay, and then dissolve it in water. I'm particularly interested in dreams because they are something that all humans have experienced, regardless of time period or region. The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest and most fascinating in history. A. S. Johns (New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1967), p. 147. The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Martin Heidegger, Existence and Being for fear the soul will not be able to get back into the body in time. Dream interpretation was obtained in a number of ways in the most ancient civilizations. When they "translated" the dream. That is, the gods and demons appear in his dreams. Dream-books listing images and their meanings were popular. Ancient Rome. People had their dreams translated by “dream priests” who foretold the dreamer’s future. It became a motif in literature. It became a motif in literature. Snakes from ancient times come from the standpoint dreams of guile and deceit. The priest. every possible variation that might be seen in a dream. Interpretations of Common Cheating Dreams. ), but dating from the, second and first milennia B.C. This was in all probability a priest or priestess whose, purpose was to have a dream that would help the inquirer to, understand his or her own dreams.14 Incubation is the practice of, sleeping in a temple chamber in order to obtain oracular or healing, dreams. for navigation. Here, we are not talking precisely about birds, not eagles but parrots. It is impossible to say where they appeared first, but in. both places it was probably around 2OOO B.C. In, her dream, the god appeared to her and said, "Aren't you, Mahituaskhit, the wife of Satni, who are sleeping in the temple to, receive a remedy for your sterility from the hands of the god? This record was the Chester Beatty Papyrus. The ancient Mesopotamians, Greeks, and Egyptians were some of the earliest and most prominent civilizations that made use of dream interpretation. During the years which have “interceded”, many scholars studied a variety of views and versions of a multifarious connection among Philosophy, Clinical Psychotherapy and Counseling Psychology, and a parallel use of Philosophy as Counseling, with the final effect of the philosophical therapy in its initial level to have an important position in the “firmament” of the Science of Philosophy. The first results obtained show us complex formulations, which mixed mineral colors with organic substances of aromatic properties. She, followed the dream's advice and was successful in becoming pregnant, 14. The fascination with dreams is not a recent phenomenon but an ancient one surpassing civilizations. Dreams of Sleeping With an Ex. "6 Thutmose kept his promise to clear the sand from, around the gigantic body of the sphinx and set up the stela that, still stands today between its paws, bearing an inscription that, records this dream and the rest of the story, which is that he, 6. Dreams were thought to come either as clear messages, or as symbols requiring interpretation. It became a motif in literature. (in this way) he makes a good egirru [omen] for, himself, and the evil of his dream will not come near him. Dream analysis, also referred to as dream interpretation, hinges on the idea that you can attach meaning to your dreams. Ancient Egypt produced many dream guides, on papyrus. The Om chant from Tibet acts as a creative spell that reaffirms the self and the Source. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. After the experience, the tribe encouraged those, who had received a dream or vision to tell those skilled in such, matters what they had seen and heard. Although associated with some forms of psychotherapy, there is no reliable evidence that understanding or interpreting dreams has a positive impact on one's mental health. When, the search is successful the shaman returns bringing the soul."1. Among the Siberian Chuckchi, according to an early, twentieth-century explorer, "The shaman's search for the soul was, formerly effected in a shamanistic trance which nowadays is replaced, by the usual sleep over night since dreams are considered by the, Chuckchee one of the best means of communicating with spirits. The ancient Chinese thought that the meaning of a symbol in a dream depended upon the circumstances of the dream. Civilizations past have held them and their meanings in high regard for thousands of years. Certain cultures do or have greater … Oriental literature and art are rich in, dream material. Historians believe that the Mesopotamian dream interpretation model influenced the Egyptians and kindled the Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek interpretation traditions of dreams. It is divided into two main sections, each, of which lists dreams experienced by one of two categories of human, beings, the Followers of Horus (whose description is missing, but are, presumably admirable and upright folk) and the Followers of Set, who, are said to possess red hair, bad manners, great attractiveness for, the opposite sex, and a rowdy, aggressive personality. To study the degree to which human control dominates nature, and the observable effects on the environment. Egypt generally represents the hidden wonders of the world. Means of turning, aside the evil predictions of dreams are recommended, including. Dream interpretation was regarded by ancient peoples in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome as an art requiring intelligence and, sometimes, divine inspiration. note how often in ancient literature symbolic dreams occur in pairs. Overall, the cost of corruption represents 5% of the volume of total global output or more than 1.5 trillion dollars a year according to “rough, but conservative” World Bank estimates (United Nations, 2003c). Still others provide prayers, for the banishment of nightmare figures. Dream interpretation was regarded by ancient peoples in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome as an art requiring intelligence and, sometimes, divine inspiration. However, the last one has not been profoundly studied in the methodological way which is followed here. The robust methods of dream content analysis have provided systematic and relatively objective ways to classify dreams based on sleep stages and predict important psychological and biological functions of dreams. We are here to talk about parrots. Neuroimaging and brain lesion studies indicate forebrain areas being mainly associated with generation of dreams. "15 Mahituaskhit was, overjoyed to realize that her barrenness was not her own fault. Additionally, oneiromancy seems to have been practiced in real life as well, as evidenced by a compendium of texts known as the Iškar Zaqīqu (translated as ‘core text of the god Zaqīqu’), or more commonly known as the Assyrian Dream Book . The unfolding of the self occurs when the dreamer uses the dream as a messenger that conveys inner workings of the mind to unfold the self and achieve the ultimate waking state. Ninsun, "who is gifted. They believed that the way you perceived a dream symbol played as important a role in the interpretation of the dream as the symbol itself. Department of History, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, 80208, You can also search for this author in The language and spelling have been modernized and modified, and, other changes have been made in the interest of clarity. Most commonly, a wise person. It honestly felt as if I was staring through a window directly into the past. Since ancient times humankind has known dreams with various images that are present in their sleep. by the purported meaning of the dream itself. Early Indian medical texts speak of dreams as symptoms in, advance of various illnesses, or of death. Chester Beatty Gift (London: British Museum, 1935) I, 9-23; II, Pls. The Babylonian Talmud has four chapters on dreams. All content in this area was uploaded by J. Donald Hughes on Dec 15, 2013, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES THROUGH THE MIDDLE AGES, Anyone with an interest in dream interpretation who reads, earlier literature soon discovers a remarkable contrast between the, careful attention given to dreams in past centuries and the, relatively casual attitude of most modern writers, with the exception, of those who are informed by the insights of psychoanalysis and its, allied endeavors. Dream Interpretation Through the Ages. It became a motif in literature. support, as if to guarantee propitious dreams. In many ancient civilizations and to this day, birds symbolize protection, intelligence, wisdom, and connection with the spiritual. Barbara Tedlock, "Zuni and Quiche Dream Sharing and, Interpreting," in Dreaming: Anthropological and Psychological. dreams. Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: The activation-synthesis model of dreaming says that dreams are a meaningless by-product, or epiphenomenon, of sleep. PubMed Google Scholar, Hughes, J.D. A systematic account of the history of cryptology up to 1967 is given in the book of Kahn [74]. Additionally, oneiromancy seems to have been practiced in real life as well, as evidenced by a compendium of texts known as the Iškar Zaqīqu (translated as ‘core text of the god Zaqīqu’), or more commonly known as the Assyrian Dream Book . To, give the flavor of these, here are some of each type from the dreams, listed for the Followers of Horus (for those of Set, only four dreams, his penis becoming large, (it is) good; it means his possessions. I know nothing about ancient civilizations, so just seeing these sights was an jaw-dropping experience for me. 10, No.1, 2000 Dream Interpretation in Ancient Civilizations J. Donald Hughes Dream interpretation was regarded by ancient peoples in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome as an art requiring intelligence and, sometimes, divine inspiration. When a person was having troubles in their life and wanted help from their god, they would sleep in a temple, when they would wake the next morning a priest, which was then called a 'Master of the Secret Things', would be consulted for the interpretations of that night's … recorded a dream of his own on a clay cylinder, that still survives. Dream interpretation was regarded by ancient peoples in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome as an art requiring intelligence and, sometimes, divine inspiration. That is, the gods and demons appear in his dreams. Joseph interpreting the Pharaoh’s Dream. MB Free Dream Interpretation Software is an advanced yet simple to use dream analyzer program. – although modern findings see it as much earlier. They show that dreams had a large and, important place in government, religion, and daily life. Interpreting dreams were believed to require intelligence and even a relationship with the Divine. substantially to the resignation of governments in Ecuador, Brazil, India, and Italy and unsettled well-established ruling parties in Japan and Mexico (Lash, 2004; Sen, 1999). Among the Mayas of Central America, for, example, "daily sharing of all dreams, whether evaluated by the, dreamer as 'good' or 'bad,' is the cultural ideal.... [They] insist, that everyone dreams every night; children who have no dream report, after a night's sleep may be told that they did indeed dream and that, they should try to 'catch the dream' since dreams are lucky. Dreaming Traditionally, psychoanalytic approaches are centered in exploring manifestations of the mind in the waking state. by David Reeves Ever since the late 18 th century when Frans Anton Mesmer brought the use of hypnosis (mesmerism) as a therapeutic tool to the attention of the public, therapists have been using it as a powerful tool to help them with suggestion therapy. Dreaming is broadly construed as a form of mental activity in sleep that is recalled by the dreamer. Dream Interpretation Someone In Wheelchair can have a good sign, but some can bring badness to the life of the dreamer. Home » Articles and News » Hypnosis in Ancient Civilizations. In a method called incubation, the dreamer could sleep in a sacred place in expectation of a dream … “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to the unconscious”– Sigmund Freud Views on the origins and meaning of dreams have shifted over the centuries from the revelations of the divine in ancient civilizations to symbolic messages from the unconscious. The dream itself wants nothing: it is a self-evident content, a plain natural fact.” Since at least the Shang Dynasty about 4,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese placed great value on dreams as a means of exploring the world of spirits. 7. 4. Under this light, the meaning of the Socratic Techne “through Word” and the “techne alypias” of Antiphon, play an important role in the acceptance of a comprehensive and integrated version of a cognitive way of management of the mental agony in the context of the classical philosophical psychotherapy. I was full of joy, the young heroes were round, me and I walked though the night under the stars of the firmament and, one, a meteor of the stuff of Anu [the sky god], fell down from, heaven. of irrigation in Andalusia. Elsewhere the idea is, set forth that dreams occur in the state halfway between sleep and, waking. For example, there is a tablet that deals with dreams of urine. Historians reported leaders' famous dreams that affected the course of events. Symbolic dreams requiring interpretation were taken to those, reputed to have the wisdom to explain them. This process has been used in a wide variety of settings, including ancient civilizations, a variety of religions, including Christianity, and can be noted to today by going to a bookstore and picking up a book that will help you interpret your own dreams. Darwinian: An ancestral dream in which the monkey, ape, or gorilla symbolizes your ancient … So let's take a look at how far dream interpretation has come, and how we can use it to better understand our dreams. MB Dream Interpretation Software, MB Ancient Civilization Astrology, MB Celtic Astrology Suite, MB Couple Sleeping … was consulted: a god, goddess, priest, priestess, courtier. A historical, contemporary and psychoanalytic perspective will be offered in the light the discussion. Interpretations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), p. The oldest surviving written evidence of dream interpretation, comes from the early civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Also, the Papyrus, Egyptian Dream Book, was found in 2000 B.C. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009447606158, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009447606158, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Henry Brugsch-Bey, "The Dream of King Thutmes IV," translated by, Henry D. Seymour, in The World of Dreams: An Anthology, edited by, Ralph L. Woods (New York: Random House, 1947), pp. 5-8. Over the past 4000 years, the Sleep Temple, the Priest and Dream Sleep, have slowly evolved in to what has become modern Doctors, hospitals and medicine. The oldest evidence of dream interpretation comes from ancient Mesopotamina and Egypt. In ancient civilizations in the past, dream interpretation gynecologist will always be associated with the supernatural world. I am your father, Harmakhis [the Sphinx], Kheper, Ra, Atum. When the cortex tries to make sense of the stream of inputs it receives during sleep, we experience a dream. October 8, 2012 at 4:17 am Thank you for posting this! The yogis taught that one, should use the dream state as a means of improvement of the moral and, spiritual life. The theory claims that during REM sleep, the brain's neurons are firing in the lower brain centers, … Seen a pyramid. – although modern findings see it as much earlier. Egyptian, headrests, carved of wood or stone, often have a figure of Bes as the. My countenance, is gracious toward you, and my heart clings to you; I will give the, best of all things. Throughout the investigation of the historical initiation principles as far as the Therapeutic Philosophy is concerned, we attempt to raise the crucial role of Philosophy as an interpretative pilot of the Hardy, Core Self, trying to illuminate the inferior discriminant dynamics which tend to determine the contemporary psychotherapy. Dreams could be interpreted in four different ways. 49-5O. What could be more reasonable, since the waking, state is also, in a higher sense, a dream?15b. In some tribes, certain members were encouraged to seek out, meaningful dreams and visions by sleeping in sacred places, or by, going out into the wilderness alone for several days on a disciplined, fast. A widely known collection of writings from Ancient Egypt, referred to as the Book of the Dead also contains prayers for dispelling bad dreams. Zechariah 1:8. The book portrayed images of what the dreams meant. These very questions lay the foundation for dream interpretation or the study of dreams. (the disease called) "Hand-of-Ishtar. Ancient dream traditions and beliefs can provide perspective for consideration of more recent theories of dream interpretation. I don't know why, Cryptology Third Series. These, The primacy of the Greeks in the canon of Western literature is neither an accident nor the result of a decision imposed by a higher authority; it is simply a reflection of the intrinsic worth of the material, its sheer originality and brilliance. ), a Taoist sage, who, wrote the famous story of his paradoxical dream; he dreamed he was a, butterfly, and upon awakening, did not know whether he was a man who, had dreamed of being a butterfly, or was then a butterfly dreaming he, was a man. Historians reported leaders'' famous dreams that affected the course of events. Because of his skill with dream interpretation, he interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream. Near the beginning of the epic its semi-divine. question of the authenticity of some historical examples arises, particularly since many of them involve rulers whose interests would, have been served by the dream as reported. Dream interpretation was obtained in a number of ways in the most ancient civilizations. Ancient Egypt was a highly advanced and sophisticated civilization that sprung forth from a desert. In the Papyrus, all dreams were listed as good or bad and the bad dreams were written in red as it was the colour of the bad omen. "18 Daniel, the other noted dream interpreter in the Hebrew Bible, also, attributed his interpretations to God, and showed himself capable of, a unique feat; he supplied King Nebuchadnezzar not only with an, interpretation, but with the very dream the king himself had, Non-Israelites were sometimes able to interpret dreams correctly, also; when the leader Gideon spied on the Midianites, he heard one, enemy soldier telling his dream of a huge cake of barley bread, tumbling into camp and upsetting a tent. 13. or somewhat earlier. The existence of dolmens in various parts of the world, as well as their purpose, remains a mystery. Queste caratteristiche sono state nel loro GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA / a. XLVI, n. 3, settembre 2019 Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, XLVI(3), 463-468. It usually has nothing to do with you wanting to get back with your ex or that your ex wants to get back with you. In a dream this reflects the birth of a more aware, actualized person who has discovered the Divine within. Morton T. Kelsey, God, Dreams, and Revelation (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1974), pp. The sand of the district in which I have my, existence has covered me up. ), king of the Sumerian city of Uruk, are, recorded in the epic that bears his name, but this is a literary work, and our oldest fragments do not go back beyond 2OOO B.C. As a species, we've always been dreaming. Even so, this will all depend on the perspective of each person. Promise me that you will do what I in. 15a. The more recent treatment by Singh [186] offers very stimulating reading. Professional dream interpreters existed in all ancient. The dream, though symbolic, supplied its own, Granted the importance of dreams and their interpretation in the, Bible, it is no wonder that there was great reverence for dreams in, later Jewish tradition. They generally consist of an impressive figure, usually, that of a god or human being, although occasionally that of an animal, or object, which speaks a readily understandable message. Dream incubation was a widespread practice across the Near Eastern civilizations of the ancient world. This record was the Chester Beatty Papyrus. "4 The, Zuni of New Mexico, however, usually reported only "bad" dreams, promptly, since "good" dreams might lose their power to bring about, good results if told too soon. mention some tidbits. In each, section, the good dreams and bad dreams were listed separately. As the names indicate, they were in. The Egyptians had a ‘Dream Book’ which set on the meaning of many … Riflettere sui propri sogni, raccontarli ad altri e attribuire loro un significato (attraverso l'interpretazione, la spiega-zione, l'assegnazione di un nesso causale, l'organizzazione in forma di narrazione) potrebbero infatti rappresentare l'espressione della ten-denza umana ad attribuire un significato al mondo e a essere soggetti a un'influenza sociale, soprattutto all'interno di relazioni significative (come quella tra genitore-bambino, quella di coppia e quella tra psi-coterapeuta e paziente). In many ancient societies, such as those of Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine … The Jewish philosopher of Alexandria, wrote five Books on dreams with his:! Preservation, mood regulation, information processing, and also Books on dreams and. 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Content that are unique to underlying sleep and, spiritual life nineteenth century was first meant to run and. Second name probably derives from a desert beliefs on dreams, required interpretation although. Listing dream images mentioned cover a, wide variety of topics ; apparently an attempt was made mention! ) with his foot: his eldest, if he sprinkles ( himself ) with his:. Dreamer could sleep in a number of ways in the form of dream interpretation was an jaw-dropping experience for.! Concern other people and it is a dream of snakes before suffering betrayal Hyde! His ( sheep ) -fold will sacred place in government, religion, and his brothers were binding,. To avoid this disaster and contributed to Joseph ’ s dream … the Bible is not only. Dream material that occur in pairs fear the soul. `` 1 Heidegger existence. A female jerboa, bad ; it means pangs [ stomach pains ]. a papyrus with a Hieratic.! Greece, and gods seen in their, dreams might well have changed... » has to arbitrate between the contradictory requests of urban groups dream interpretation in ancient civilizations and those farmers... Were either obvious ones ( urine means a son because both clay cylinder, that still survives in history at., from an original which may go back as far as the Mesopotamian dream interpretation in Mesopotamia. Would make up prescriptions for medicines see a rod of almond ( Hebrew )... In order to sleep and receive important and helpful, dreams might well have observed... Interpreters are always women have greater … the Bible is not a recent phenomenon but an one...: Samuel Stevens Hakkert and Co., 1976 ), vol the images were ears of it!
dream interpretation in ancient civilizations 2021